Saturday, 30 April 2011

Office scenes coloured.

Greetings Lord and Lady Creatures,
 Figured it'd be best to post this here - The two office scenes are now complete.
There are still faults with the scene, but we are running out of time now - if we spend too long perfecting scenes, then we won't have anything to hand in.
The colour for the bathroom door is done - i used the light grey for the mans shirt to colour the door, and the rouser grey to colour the man in the symbol. I have asked Jen if she can produce a watercolour background, because we all seemed to forget that scene had a background.

On editing:
    If you did your scene in aftereffects, send me the quicktime for the movie. If you followed my specifications, then I need those images now.
  As it stands, I have four complete scenes - the two office scenes, the eating scene, and the man lowering his watch. I have five clocks with times (three for the nightstand, to for microwave), and two without times (the car radio and the computer monitor).
In other words, I'm missing three quarters of the footage.
I know Jen said you had until today to do the colouring, but I would like to simply remind you that we have nine days left.
So, simply put, please upload that footage as quickly as possible. When you upload the footage to Dropbox, please notify me through text, or by commenting on this entry.

1 comment:

  1. All Emelia's, Oscar's and my completed scenes + all clock backgrounds (animated versions) have been up on Dropbox since at least yesterday =)Please find these under the "STUFF FOR ROUGH EDIT" folder.

    They are uploaded as quicktime files and I uploaded the low res versions of each since the high res ones are huge, and the image sequences can be easily replaced with the high quality ones in the final AE project.

    It looks like the character hasn't been masked properly though, bring your laptop in on Tuesday and I'll fix this for you. I know the editing is going to take a while, that's why I was requesting the rough edit from you which should have been done by now.

    Good job on colouring the man and the papers etc, but I'm afraid the yellow hair is muuuch too vibrant for the office worker walking by. I suggest you desaturate all the layers with the office workers.
