Sunday, 27 February 2011

Some progress

Hey people.
I've uploaded a variety of sounds on to our dropbox, there are a few other things we need but it's a good start. I've uploaded the new character designs onto our character design page and also my blog. I didn't put them in the animation bible as they're not definite yet, I'll see what Lukas says and create some finished designs. I'm starting to worry about the designs and will probably do some more tonight. I'm happy with them but I wanted to make more of a variety of designs (it took longer than I expected).

See you guys tomorrow

Friday, 25 February 2011

These are a few of the chairs i designed.
Take a peek, and give me feedback.

Living Room Design

Ok so this is my first attempt, let me know what you think and what changes
i should make to this.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Storyboard and First Version of the Animatic!


The Storyboard and Animatic are now up on our Animation Bible page =)
Maybe I should create a seperate page for the animatics? Opinions? For now, just look at it on the Animation Bible page to get an idea of the angles of the backgrounds we need created and so forth =)

*edit* Animatic won't upload, even if I get it less than 20 MB. USELESS BLOGGER. It's temporarily just on Dropbox if anyone needs it.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Ok so this is a really rough sketch of an office, i intend to obviously make it much cleaner tommorow or by Friday afternooon.
This is just like a front view.
Car design, very simplistic.  This a rough sketch just to get an idea.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Location Designs and research!

Hello Lord and Lady Creatures!
    I present to you some research and designs in the form of a Link to my Blog!

   Research includes: Calendar Man's cell - Batman Arkham Asylum
                                Norman's Lounge - Jonathan Creek (series 2): Time waits for Norman
   Work Includes everything that you saw at the meeting today.
   There was supposed to be more research present -  I was going to get images of the Grandfather clock from 'Whisper of the Heart', and also some shots of personalised cubicle spaces from 'Phatasmagoria 2: A puzzle of flesh', but (A) my computers DVD drive is screwing around, and has just decided it doesn't want to play DVDs, so i couldn't get the images from 'Whisper of the Heart', and (B) there is five hours of footage from 'Phantasmagoria 2' to go through, so finding the right shots will take awhile.
      A Sketchup model of the Bedroom is currently in the works.
    For the time being, I bid you Adieu,
           Andrew Stalley.

Homework for 22nd of Feb – 28th Feb

Okay, I'm sure you all have a pretty good idea about what to do from today's meeting, but I'll post what needs to be done by everyone this week just in case =). Next Group Meeting for everyone will be on Monday in class, 1st of March, but I'll let whoever know if it's necessary to meet up beforehand (unless we're able to communicate via mail/blogger, Lukas and I must look at animatic together and Lukas and Oscar must look at char. designs together). *please excuse my bossiness* =)


Storyboard. Deadline: by end of Wednesday! Post on Blogger so everyone can see!!
View animatic on Friday. Comment, give feedback
Comment on character designs + background designs on Blogger!


Animatic. First version: start Wednesday, post by end of Thursday
Work on second version after showing Lukas. “Basic” animatic deadline: by end of Sunday.
Work on misc. background designs & props
Talk to Sue
Help find sound effects


Complete the list of sound effects.
Post the sound effects you already have on Dropbox by Wednesday evening!
Finish char designs, discuss with Lukas, FINISH by Sunday, and post on Blogger
Make turnarounds for the character
Start the Flash animatic when first version of animatic is done (will let you know when).


Post what you’ve done so far on Blogger on research & char. design page
Do a few sketches. We need:
Cars, microwaves, toasters, shower heads
Location design sketches: Office (Emelia is also doing this)
Start drawing the finished character when Oscar posts it on Blogger


Location design sketches: Living room and office.
Draw car sketches (we need a black and not too detailed car)
Start drawing the finished character when Oscar posts it on Blogger


Location design sketches: Train tracks and train station
Props: Draw a couple of detailed sketches of grandfather clocks. Post on Blogger (and post what you already have in your sketchbook on Blogger!)
Experiment with floorplan of house in Google Sketchup
Start drawing the finished character when Oscar posts it on Blogger

Monday, 21 February 2011

Bedroom design two. I would think it's more logic to see the storyboard intially to get an idea of how the backgrounds should look in each scene but...anyways this is just a rough sketch.
bedroom design..don't like it will do a new one asap!
More office research:

The Devil Wears Prada :

Office Research background 1

This is a photo of Jo's office from the movie "for coloured girls"

New character designs more to come!!!

Here are a few new designs I've drawn.

Research on Time Films

I did a couple of researchs on films based around time involving routines & tasks.Here are two in which i researched, it's not very long's something!

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Charcater designs.

Good day Lord and Lady creatures,
   A brief update to say that my character designs are now up on the page. They can also be found on my blog.
  I'll try to get some location designs up soon too.
  See in Tuesday's Lesson
      Andrew Stalley.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Background Design


Since it's time to start drawing sketches for backgrounds and various props, I'll create a seperate page for this just like for Character Design and Research images. View it in our side bar menu =)

Please post all background sketches here, and for the time being also various props (drawings of clocks etc) unless we find it necessary to create a seperate page for this as well.

Thanks =)

Wednesday, 16 February 2011


Hey guys. I've put some of the research I mentioned today on my blog.. it's not much but it's something.
 I also put my sketches up on my blog, then realised we had a group character dev page so I put them there too. I'll start looking at sounds....

Homework for Tuesday 22nd of February

Start the storyboarding!
(Finish the rough storyboard before Tuesday AT THE LATEST so we can all have a look at it and discuss it! Post on Blogger when done)
Comment on what we post on the blogs! (Important)

Producer and animators:
Start concept drawings for the backgrounds (= Do sketches for what you think backgrounds for each scene should look like)
Further character development
Watch movie: “Stranger than Fiction”, especially the intro. The intro is here on YouTube:
           Also watch “Badgered” (only 7 mins, can be viewed here:
           For any of you who haven’t  yet watched “Mary & Max”, watch this!
           Keep posting progress on Blogger!

Special tasks:

During this week and next week, gather sound effects for the animatic
Write a list of sounds we need and post on Blogger and I’ll help search for sounds

In terms of location design, focus especially on the train station (unless this drives you nuts, then we'll swap xD)

 Tuesday is our next meeting together in class, and as long as we all remember to update on Blogger, it shouldn't be necessary to have a meeting before then.

Summary of the Meeting 16th of February

We looked at Lukas’ developed script. Talked about a couple of issues with it (Delayed – too obvious title? And to write EVEN clearer what happens. Andrew has already fixed the script though, thank you so much! Is posted below)

Reminder of what style the director wants:

Black and white with a few small bits of colour, mainly red.
Ink the lines and colour in with watercolours, but not a lot of colour in the watercolours.

Animations to watch for style reference:

“Mary & Max”. Hope you have already seen it for Wednesday though. Can be found to watch online on Megavideo.

            “Badgered”. Dark watercolours, we (Lukas) want a similar style, but which still has less colour.

Also, not for style reference, but for inspiration about the idea itself, watch “Stranger than Fiction”, especially the intro. Is in many ways similar to our scenario.

Character Design style:

Clothes: Business man shirt + tie (not bowtie)

Face etc: Bald or partly bald. Body shape – not fat, not too thin. Bodyshape – not too short, and you can tell where his hips are (so not like a stick).

Maybe wears glasses, but in that case with eyes showing through.

Oscar did a good design for the body shape (number 24), he's posted this on our Character Design web page, so let's further develop this.

Tips for background design. Location – Bedroom:

Open, nice, bland bedroom. Double bed. Good lighting, big windows. Clean. Clocks around the room. Slippers next to bed. Nightstand table next to bed with an old school digital alarm clock with red writing on it.

Tips for background design. Location – At work:

Generic office. “Cubicle”, four walls. Has a clock on the wall. Has desk with computer. Telephone sounds etc ringing. Think “The Incredibles” – Mr. Incredible’s job at a desk or in “The Matrix” – Neo in his office “cubicle” with all his colleges’ offices right next door.

Tips for prop design – Car:

Average black car. Volvo? Slightly depressing looking car (bland, not shabby, not too fancy).

That's basically it. I'll put tasks to be completed for next Tuesday in the next post ^^


Good eve, Lord and Lady creatures.
      I do bless you with the updated script that I wrote.
      Here is the link:
    Andrew Stalley

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

updated script

ive posted an updated version of the script on my blog

Train Station Concept... Kinda

Hello Lord and Lady Creatures!
    I give you my first contribution to this site and project: A Train Station design!
    Admittidaly, this is not actually new - I designed it over the summer for a completely differnt (and failed) project, but it is usable if needed. I am well aware that this is a 3D model, and we said we'd use 2D, but it would be simple to just grab screenshots and use those. I am also aware that there are no rails next to this station - i never added them in.
    I will, of course, continue to do research in the mean time on train stations, so I will come up with alternate designs -  I just thought it may be useful to say this already exists.
     Heres the link:
     Hopefully I'll have basic character designs and research up and ready by this evening, or tomorrow morning.
I bid you Adieu.
   Andrew Stalley.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Character Design


We now have our own page for Character Design! View it in the sidebar menu and post all character design sketches there! =)

Thanks to Andrew for the info on how to do this :)

Research Images


 Like with the Character Designs, we now have a seperate page just for Research Images! Please post all images there =]

(View it in the sidebar menu)

Reminder for Wednesday 16th of February

Hi everyone =)

Most of you wrote down what to do for our next meeting when we had our meeting today. I'll just post this here anyway just to make sure everyone knows what to bring along for Wednesday. Meeting is still at 3 o'clock sharp :P

To do-list!


Work with script (important!)
Then start making the rough storyboard
Post progress on blogger! Also let us know your opinion about what we post of character designs and research images on blogger/dropbox!


Research images
Character Design
Watch “Mary & Max”
(Post progress on blogger)


Research images
Character Design
Watch “Mary & Max”
If time, look at sound effects
(Post progress on blogger)


Research images
Character Design
Watch “Mary & Max”
(Post progress on blogger)


Research images
Start the design of the train station (if time)
Watch “Mary & Max”
(Post progress on blogger)


Research images
Character Design
Watch “Mary & Max”
(Create blog for this unit and post progress on blogger)

So I expect everyone to bring along some sketches and images, I've also made a dropbox account for us now so we can post images there^^ Most important at this stage is the research phase and Lukas' updated script =) If anyone comes across other great films etc for research then let us know^^

Everyone's Blogs

Right People Feel free to edit this post and add your blog address, comment under this and I will add you if you can't edit my post

Producer: Jennifer Anne Haugan:

Director:  Lukas Hawes:

Amber Kaill:
Andrew Stalley:
Emelia Fordjour:
Oscar Maydon:

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Amber's Initial Thoughts

Hey Guys!
First I would like to thank Jennifer for arranging our blog and facebook group!
I read the script and ive just posted my initial thoughts up on my blog here:
Clicky HERE!<3
for you to contemplate.
please read and comment.
ciao for now

(ps. i have a habit of expressing myself with gifs ;3)

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Production Schedule

*Slight update* (As of 19th of Feb)

Week 1

7th of Feb – 13th of Feb

Create group blog. Read script and start researching. Early sketches.

Week 2

14th of Feb – 20th of Feb

Work on the script and continue research. Work on character & background design, early storyboards. By the weekend – have a finished version of the script ready!

Week 3

21st of Feb – 27th of Feb

By Tuesday - rough storyboard ready! Further develop and FINISH by Friday this week! Continue and finish the character design, further develop backgrounds.

Week 4

28th of Feb – 6th of March

By Monday the 28th – have a first version of the animatic ready (I'll put this together with the storyboard images. After this, Oscar will put together a moving animatic using Flash (finish first version by end of this week!). During the week - do animation tests. Keep gathering sound effects to add on to the animatic (train sounds etc)! Have all backgrounds ready!

Week 5

7th of March – 13th of March

Keep perfecting the animatic. Finish this by WEDNESDAY at the latest. Do animation tests and work on finished backgrounds etc.

Week 6

14th of March – 20th of March

Start the Animation Production stage! All animators to be given specific scenes to work on - more detailes will come. We will also be having sound studio workshops this week! Record any necessary dialogue (Lukas and Oscar in charge here).

Week 7

21st of March – 27th of March

Continue with the Animation Production!

Week 8

28th of March – 3rd of April

Continue Animation Production. Finish linetests.

Week 9

4th of April – 10th of April

Animation Production. Clean up the linetests and shoot on proper camera.

Week 10

11th of April – 17th of April

Animation Production. By Friday – Be FINISHED with the actual animation and the Production Stage!!

Week 11

18th of April – 24th of April

Easter Break! Start the Post-Production phase. Before break, give everyone video files of the actual animation. Keep updated via blogger.

Week 12

25th of April – 1st of May

Still Easter break! Keep working with the post-production stage!

Week 13

2nd of May – 8th of May

Burning DVDs, create DVD labels etc and organise portfolios of work.


Friday, 11 February 2011

First Draft of the Script

Here is our first draft for the animation script, provided by our director, Lukas. This will go through thorough editing during the script development tutorial we are having with Ron on Monday 14th of February.

The script:

Delayed – working title

A fairly respectable looking middle aged man lives his life perfectly on time and in routine. He lives in a large house with all that would be expected, except for a increased amount of clocks, calenders and timetables scattered around it. He wakes up at exactly 7.30 everyday, he puts his slippers on at 7.35 everyday, he has a shower at 7.50 everyday, etc. His mundane routine unfolds over several days; always on time and never changing.

It cuts to the face of an analogue clock just as it is about to hit 12. It is revealed that this is the point of view of the man as he checks the time; he stands next to a railway line in his best suite.

         perfect timing

He calmly lays down on the railway track and waits silently.

It cuts to an empty train station, the only movement from a few plastic bags floating in the wind. The camera focus' on an electronic timetable that hangs from the ceiling . A woman’s voice begins to speak through the stations loudspeakers.

              Woman’s voice
          'I am sorry to announce that all trains heading east to      London Victoria have been delayed by 1 hour due to           scheduling problems, we are sorry for the inconvenience'.

The electronic timetable changes to read delayed and it cuts to black.
The man sighs.



This is a group blog created for a group project in our "Movement, Story & Structure" unit for Animation students studying at UCA Farnham.

In this project, we are to create a 1 min animation based on one of the following themes; Time, phobias, family or an infomercial. Our group's animation is based around the theme "Time".

This blog has been created in order for us to easily post our progress and to let our tutors see how our project is going.